Week 10 in Review: Assessment/Evaluation and Activism/Citizenship

This week in class, we studied two subjects with one being a subject that has not been addressed in my previous ISLT classes: social justice. Although our field relies primarily on learning theory and technology, we still fall under the larger umbrella of education, and education in and of itself is about social justice. Education is the one factor that can drive change in all aspects of society and change peoples' circumstances for the better (or at least it is in my opinion.) As instructional designers we are relatively limited in how we can advocate for the issues that we hold close to our hearts with our work. I suppose the best way to do so would be to volunteer your time creating educational materials and/or training programs for the organizations that matter the most to you, or you could just flat-out work in the nonprofit sector. However, I do believe that as a field we have the responsibility to actively work towards a better future. I imagine that this will probably look like making online courses as accessible as possible for those with disabilities, advocating for expansions of the Internet and online course programs, etc.

We also studied assessment and evaluation this week in EME6414 as well. I feel like I will have to take a second look at the articles we read in class for this topic because I do not feel like they sunk in really well. My current employer puts a lot of stock into assessment of the courses that we design and build, particularly when it comes to formative evaluation. In a recent department-wide call that we had this week, one of our learning designers discussed Quality Matters which is a type of course review process as well as an organization that you can become a member of. I had to take a QM course before starting an internship last fall with FSU's Office of Distance Learning and it is incredibly intensive, much more so than what I was expecting, but worthwhile. I feel like this is a part of the design process that I need to pay more attention to and learn more about, if not for my current job than for future ones as well.

Other than all of this, I have been working on my produsage assignment and keeping up with participation. I've been doing the same these past few weeks because I know myself; if I do not keep up a routine of doing the same tasks for school every week, I will fall behind. I know that we were allowed to take a few breaks, but I knew I couldn't let myself or else I would have ended up totally behind in this class. I'm hoping that we all finish this semester strong!


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