Week 4 in Review: Expertise and Crowdsourcing

This past week, our class explored expertise and crowdsourcing. What fitting topics for the times we are living in! I think that I now have a better idea of how to determine expertise from someone online and how to establish it for myself at some point in the future, but I feel like this is just scratching the surface. There's still so much more research that I need to do into it. 

On the topic of crowdsourcing, I have been immensely pleased by the crowdsourced information about Black Lives Matter that I have seen circulating on social media. Here are a few:

You have to be careful about who you let have access to editing your crowdsourcing software, like Google Docs, but it's good that there are features on there that limit who has that kind of access to it. I imagine that some of these must exist in private social justice groups in order to organize protests and rallies. I could see Nuclino being a great tool for these kinds of groups because although it is a crowdsourcing tool, it also requires that users have to be allowed into the group on the website first. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing more of what online crowdsourcing software can do to bring activists together!


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